The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever
In The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever, the initial relaxation that starts off the guided meditation The Rose Garden has become the main event. This is an easy relaxation exercise that works for everyone, regardless of whether you have never done a relaxation exercise before or have meditated several times per week for years. The original version of the exercise without brainwave entrainment can also be done by children over 10 years old.
The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever begins with tuning into the sensations of your breathing. After that, you will get help relaxing first your feet and legs, then your hips, then your stomach, chest and back, followed by your hands and arms, then your neck and throat, and finally the muscles in your face. Once your whole body has relaxed you will have 10 minutes to just rest.
The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever can be used for many different things. You can use it simply to unwind and recharge on your lunch break or when you come home from work or school. This audiobook can be helpful for easing both stress and various associated health issues such as anxiety, pain, sleep problems, depression, and so on, since research has shown that all kinds of relaxation exercises and meditations are helpful for these issues. If you suffer from burnout or exhaustion, you can sometimes become stressed by the way some meditations are structured or by the words that are used, but this relaxation exercise was designed with that in mind, so at no point in this exercise will you be asked to focus or concentrate. Initially, you will be asked to tune into the sensations of your breathing, which is about connecting with your body and relaxing, not focusing, and when the time comes to relax your muscles, it does not require any real effort on your part either: Instead of being asked to relax your muscles, you will simply be told that they relax, which can sometimes be easier.
Please note that this relaxation exercise does not replace the medical care given by a doctor, physiotherapist, or psychologist. This exercise should also not be done when driving or operating heavy machinery or if you are close to someone else who is doing so. If you want to listen to this audiobook when you are riding in a car or bus, use headphones.
Though listed under different names, the narrator is also the author.
Sophie Påhlsson
17 juni 2019
CanStockPhoto Inc./ [Tolokonov]
Daydreams av Christoper Lloyd Clarke
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